
Travelling from Hatyai to Koh Lipe has two portions of journey. The first part is by minibus or van from Hatyai to Pak Bara pier, taking about 2 hours land journey. The second part is by ferry or speedboat to Koh Lipe, taking about 2 hours sea journey. Pak Bara pier is the main pier to go… Continue reading How do I get from Hat Yai to Koh Lipe?

Travelling from Hatyai to Koh Lipe has two portions of journey. The first part is by minibus or van from Hatyai to Pak Bara pier, taking about 2 hours land journey. The second part is by ferry or speedboat to Koh Lipe, taking about 2 hours sea journey. Pak Bara pier is the main pier to go Koh Lipe.