
If your trip is cancelled, you’ll be notified via email and refunded. This can happen due to full bookings, weather issues, or operational disruptions. Contact our support team for assistance.

After booking, if you haven’t selected an instant approval option, the operator will review your request. If the trip is fully booked or unavailable, the operator may decline it. Don’t worry! Our support team will assist you in finding an alternative option. If no alternative can be arranged, your booking will be cancelled and refunded, and you’ll receive an email notification immediately.

In rare cases, even if your booking is confirmed, it may still be cancelled due to unexpected issues like severe weather or operational disruptions. If this happens, our support team will work to resolve it, and if we can’t provide the service, you’ll receive a full refund.

If your trip is cancelled, you’ll receive an email confirming the cancellation and refund. For any further questions, feel free to contact our support team.